Facebook Ad Campaign for Choice Waste Removal

This campaign aimed to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the Choice Waste Removal website, reaching 2,647 people with a £16.00 budget over 7 days. The campaign generated 15 link clicks, optimizing cost per click to £0.81.

Project Details

The goal of this project was to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the Choice Waste Removal website. Over a period of 7 days, with a budget of £16.00, the campaign managed to reach 2,647 people. One of the primary challenges was optimizing the cost per link click, which ultimately averaged £0.81. Despite these challenges, the campaign successfully generated 15 link clicks. To tackle the high cost per click, we experimented with different ad creatives and targeting options. We also closely monitored the campaign’s performance daily to make necessary adjustments in real time. By the end of the campaign, not only did we manage to maintain a steady reach, but we also gathered valuable insights for future campaigns.


Feedback of Client

The client was very pleased with the results, noting that the campaign significantly increased the visibility of their brand. They appreciated the proactive communication and detailed reporting provided throughout the campaign.