Engagement Campaign for Bra & Nighty NA

Focused on increasing brand awareness and engagement, this campaign reached 66,118 people with a daily budget of $10. The campaign resulted in 1,092 link clicks and significant engagement metrics.

Project Details

The engagement campaign for Bra & Nighty NA was designed to increase brand awareness and customer interaction. With a daily budget of $10, the campaign reached 66,118 people and generated 135,078 impressions. One of the main challenges was maintaining a high engagement rate while optimizing costs. We employed a variety of ad formats and interactive content to capture the audience’s attention. The results included 1,092 link clicks and significant improvements in engagement metrics. Throughout the campaign, we adjusted targeting parameters and ad creatives to keep the content fresh and relevant to the audience. The campaign demonstrated the effectiveness of engaging content in building a strong brand presence.


Feedback of Client

The client highlighted the successful increase in brand interaction and customer interest. They were particularly impressed with the creative approach and the steady engagement rates achieved.