Targeted Traffic Campaign for Top Cool Cars

The campaign aimed to drive targeted traffic to the Top Cool Cars website, spending $196.26 to reach 26,818 people and generating 759 link clicks with a cost per click of $0.15.

Project Details

The objective of this campaign was to drive targeted traffic to the Top Cool Cars website. With a total spend of $196.26, the campaign achieved a reach of 26,818 and 30,155 impressions. One of the challenges faced was optimizing the cost per click (CPC) while maintaining a high click-through rate (CTR). We tested various ad creatives and audience segments to find the most effective combination. The campaign resulted in 759 link clicks, with a CPC of $0.15, which was within the acceptable range. Continuous optimization and A/B testing played a crucial role in refining the targeting and ad content to achieve the desired results. This campaign highlighted the importance of data-driven decision-making in digital advertising.


Feedback of Client

The client provided positive feedback on the targeted approach and the noticeable increase in website traffic. They appreciated the detailed analytics and the effort put into optimizing the campaign.